Month: November 2005
Why Shouldn’t Men Sing Romantic Drivel, Too?
La Forza del Destino War Memorial, San Francisco
Madam Butterfly English National Opera London
MÈthodes & TraitÈs, series II: France 1800-1860 (Les grandes mÈthodes romantiques de chant), Vol. IV
As far back as the Middle Ages, students (often only identified as Anonymous) have recorded the methods of performance imparted by their masters. In later centuries, such illustrious teachers wrote and published their own methods.
RIGHINI: Il Convitato di Pietra (The Stone Guest)
Born in Bologna on January 22, 1756, Righiniís musical career started early when he was a choirboy at San Petronio. When he was nineteen, Righini made his professional singing debut as a tenor in Parma, and one year later he joined the Bustelli Opera in Prague.
Vienna State Opera marks postwar reopening
Staatsoper: Wenn der Herr Direktor W¸rstel ausgibt