Sir Arthur Sullivanís legacy suffers from that common malaise that, once a good or bad reputation is made, it is very difficult to be remembered for anything elseóbe it better or worse.
Month: November 2005
Emotional Torment, With Impulsive Volatility
An Introduction to… MASSENET Werther
For anyone who is remotely familiar with opera, the first question would be, ìWhat is the need for a recording like this?î Of course, not being familiar with the CD justifies the question, but once it has been played, the realization sets in that the answer was there all along.
Soprano Songs and Arias
For those who frequent the Santa Fe Opera and Houston Grand Opera, Ana MarÌa MartÌnez is well-known as a superb lyric soprano on her way to a stellar career. With the release of this collection of songs and arias for soprano, the rest of the world will come to know this as well.
Inauguration de la salle Garnier-OpÈra de Monte-Carlo restaurÈe
Big-time singer who dreams of a smaller voice
Le Jongleur de Notre-Dame, L’Esplanade, St-Etienne
RomÈo et Juliette, Metropolitan Opera, New York