War and Peace opens in Moscow, survives scandal


The Marriage, Queen Elizabeth Hall, London


Savoring the Season of Comfort & Joy


Grammy Award Nominees ó Classical Vocal Music

The following are the nominees for the Grammy award in selected categories pertaining to classical vocal music.

VERDI: La Forza del Destino

La Forza del Destino, a melodramma in quattro atti

Music composed by Giuseppe Verdi. Libretto by Francesco Maria Piave based on the drama Don Alvaro o La fuerza del sino by Angel Perez de Saavedra

Gwyneth Jones – In Concert

Sorry my friends, but since I retired as a TV-reporter I forgot a lot of technical know-how, which to be fair never interested me very much.

Edita Gruberov· ó The Queen of Belcanto Volume I

There are countless artists whose legend survives on their supposed fame, others leave a substantial legacy of their achievements.

On Christmas Day

Tastes in music for Christmas are quite personal. One individualís beloved tradition may be anotherís annoying jangling that just wonít go away.

STRAVINSKY: The Rite of Spring; The Nightingale

So much has been written about the notorious scandal of May 29, 1913, the scandal of the reception of the premiere of Igor Stravinskyís ballet Le Sacre du Printemps, that it is easy to forget that the music itself was less the cause of the riotous activities than the subject, the dÈcor, and the dancing.

The Art of GÈrard Souzay

If anyone had played the soundtrack of those first numbers of the 1955 telecast, I would have looked up in surprise at first and would have wondered if an electronic wizard had cleaned up the acoustic recordings of that giant of French singing: Jean-Emile Vanni-Marcoux.