ALBRIGHT: Berlioz’s Semi-Operas

This book examines two of the more interesting musical pieces of the Romantic movement: Romeo et Juliette (1839) and La damnation de Faust (1846). Both were composed by Hector Berlioz (1803-69), and were very much constructed in a Gesamtkunstwerk mode where literature, music, and the other arts are fused together in a hybrid style that defies genre and categorization.

ìLa Muette de Porticiî : a small revolt in Ghent

No opera history is complete without mentioning that Auberís La Muette de Portici caused Belgiumís revolution against Holland in 1830. As a historian I know there are three falsehoods in that one small sentence.

Great Operatic Arias, Vol. 17 ó Christine Brewer

Beethoven Shines Thru the Mix

In the best of all possible worlds this recording of arias and show tunes would have been done in the original languages, the language of composition, with the vocal sounds intended by Gluck, Mozart, Weber, Wagner and others who defined great singing.

BACH: Cantatas, vol. 18

Here we have another part of John Eliot Gardinerís remarkable Bach Cantata Pilgrimage, undertaken to performóand record liveóall of Bachís surviving church cantatas at many different churches in a single year.


Piotr Anderszewski is a talented young pianist, who makes Szymanowskiís music come alive in his recent recording of three of the composerís major pieces.

Has the fat lady sung for Italian opera?

Wagner’s `Ring’ Features Eschenbach, Singing Zombies in Paris

The Mines of Sulphur, New York City Opera

When a Sex Slave Makes Her Escape, Revenge Is in the Supernatural Air

Loud and clear ó Yvonne Kenny wants to break down barriers between the “amplified” generation and opera lovers