Brigitte Fassbaender: Lieder ó Mahler, Berg, Ogermann

Since 1995 the mezzo-soprano Brigitte Fassbaender no longer performs as a singer, but has devoted her recent career to directing.

FALLA: El amor brujo; El sombrero de tres picos; La vida breve

With this CD, Naxos continues its well deserved reputation for producing recordings at affordable prices, and more often than not, but not limited to, music that is rarely performed, or with a limited audience.

Finding Shicoff: Opera Meets Music Video

Haydn at Esterh·z·

Concert: John Rutter 60th Birthday Gala,,14936-1799920,00.html

Colin Davis Opens Great Performers Series With the Verdi Requiem

New World Symphony

By Russell Platt [The Nation, 3 October 2005] Classical music in America, we are frequently told, is in its death throes: its orchestras bled dry by expensive guest soloists and…

Beito and Madame Butterfly in Berlin

Entranced by a heartbreakingly magical Verdi,0,2305436.story?coll=ny-music-print

The Very Best of Thomas Hampson

The Very Best of Thomas Hampson is an excellent selection on CD of Hampsonís recordings from various points in his career. The American baritone is one of the international stars of classical music for both his roles on the opera stage and his work as a recitalist.