Year: 2006
KILAR: Piano Concerto
Among the exciting new releases in Naxosís series of 21st Century Classics is a compilation of four works by Wojciech Kilar (b. 1932), which include two symphonic compositions and two vocal pieces.
The Art of Elaine Bonazzi
This is a recital disc notable for the compelling presence and intimacy of the vocal performance.
For Opera Companies, Architecture Is Destiny
Die Soldaten, Jahrhunderthalle, Bochum, Germany
Settling the Score — An Interview with Philip Gossett
Introduction: Philip Gossett is one of those rarities in academia: a scholar of the first order and a consummate teacher.
MAHLER: Symphonie no. 2
Among the outstanding interpreters of Mahlerís music, Pierre Boulez stands out for his recent recordings of the composerís symphonies. Having worked with various international orchestras, Boulez has been preserving on CD some finely shaped performances, and if he intends to create a cycle akin to those of other conductors, he is wisely recording the works one by one and not necessarily in the order in which they were composed.
“A voice so beautiful, it will break your heart.”
Mary-Lou Vetere-Borghoff interviews Soprano Jennifer O’Loughlin of the Vienna Volksoper