There are a number of signs of the popularity of the Kingís Singersótheir longevity as an ensemble, the huge success of their public concerts, and their sizable discography all come immediately to mind.
Year: 2007
The Feast of St. Edward, King and Confessor at Westminster Abbey.
Westminster Abbey is surely many things to many people.
Playing Elizabethís Tune
The 2004 DVD “Playing Elizabethís Tune,” originating in a BBC television production, features concert performances of Byrdís sacred music sung by the Tallis Scholars along with documentary material treating the composer and his time.
Brewer at her best in live “Fidelio”
It is not surprising that it was Beethoven’s Fidelio that was chosen to reconsecrate rebuilt opera houses in Vienna and Berlin in the years after World War Two.
Italian Sunshine Sweeps Away Gloomy Operatic Forecast
If the swift downpour that hit Pesaro, moments before the Prima of G. Rossini’s Otello on August 8th, seemed like a bad omen, that was nothing compared to the two major cast changes that could have weakened the foundation of the Rossini Opera Festival’s new production of the opera and washed it away.
PENDERECKI: Die Teufel von Loudon
Of the operas composed in the latter half of the twentieth century, Krzysztof Pendereckiís Die Teufel von Loudon is a significant contribution to the repertoire.
Music Triumphs in S.F. Tannhauser
For those who can’t (or won’t) see the forest of an opera for the trees of performance minutiae, here’s the word about the San Francisco Opera’s new production of Wagner’s “Tannhauser” that opened tonight:
Music for Compline
The liturgy of Compline marks the end of the monastic day, as the community seeks peaceful repose for the night ahead.
Psalms for the Spirit
Psalmody, be it in the form of chanted recitations or anthem settings, lies close to the heart of liturgical singing, and this collection, ìPsalms for the Spiritî brings together an engaging variety of both long familiar and recent psalms that celebrates the traditions and explores new directions.