Die beste hochdramatische Sopranistin der Gegenwart


“Tarquin” an der Berliner Staatsoper: Vom Werden eines Diktators


Moses und Aron, Komische Oper Berlin


Death Clown for Cutie (Cav and Pag at the Met)


Green: MÈlodies franÁaises sur des poËmes de Verlaine

Philippe Jaroussky lends poetry and poise to the sounds of nineteenth- and
twentieth-century France

J. C. Bach: Adriano in Siria

At this start of the year, Classical Opera embarked upon an ambitious project. MOZART 250 will see the company devote part of its programme
each season during the next 27 years to exploring the music by Mozart and his
contemporaries which was being written and performed exactly 250 years

Bethan Langford, Wigmore Hall

The Concordia Foundation was founded in the early 1990s by international singer and broadcaster Gillian Humphreys, out of her ‘real concern for building bridges of friendship and excellence through music and the arts’.

A broken heart in a bloodstained nightgown


Tansy Davies: Between Worlds (world premiere)

An opera dealing with — or at least claiming to deal with — the events of 11 September 2001? I suppose it had to come, but that does not necessarily make it any more necessary.

The Siege of Calais
The Wild Man of the West Indies

English Touring Opera’s 2015 Spring Tour is audacious and thought-provoking. Alongside La BohËme the company have programmed a revival of their acclaimed 2013 production of Donizetti’s The Siege of Calais (L’assedio di Calais) and the composer’s equally rare
The Wild Man of the West Indies (Il furioso all’isola di San