Jay Reise is one of the senior musical figures in Philadelphia, serving on
the composition faculty of the University of Pennsylvania since 1980.
Category: Commentary
Jay Reise: An Interview by Tom Moore
Christine Brewer: An Interview by Maria Nockin
On 7 June 2010, I spoke with Christine Brewer who was enjoying a relatively
free week at her home near St. Louis, Missouri, after long months of air travel
between concerts, recitals and operatic performances.
Polishing Gemstones — Jette Parker Young Artists
Opera stars are made as well as born. The Royal Opera House Jette Parker Young Artists Programme shapes the stars of the future.
Jurgita Adamonytė: An Interview
‘Focussed and pure of tone’, ‘beautifully steady’,
‘pure clarity and note perfection’ — just some of the
accolades bestowed on the Lithuanian mezzo soprano Jurgita Adamonytė for
her recent performances of Mozart.
Aris Argiris debuts as Escamillo in the Royal Opera House’s Carmen
Aris Argiris makes his debut at Covent Garden as Escamillo in Bizet’s Carmen. But this is unusually high-profile because it’s a first, being filmed in 3D.
Olja Jelaska: An Interview by Tom Moore
Olja Jelaska (b. 1967) is an important figure in the younger generation of
composers from Croatia.
Juan Trigos: An Interview by Tom Moore
Juan Trigos, composer and conductor, was born and raised in Mexico City,
where his father, also Juan Trigos, is a noted playwright and novelist.
Robert Maggio — An Interview by Tom Moore
Composer Robert Maggio is professor of composition at West Chester
University (in suburban Philadelphia).
Elena Ruehr: An Interview by Tom Moore
According to her web site, Elena Ruehr has been called a “composer to
watch” by Opera News, and her music has been described as
“stunning…beautifully lighted by [a] canny instinct for knowing when
and how to vary key, timbre, and harmony” by The Boston Globe.
Baritone Austin Kness on his way
Baritone Austin Kness, an Adler Fellow at San Francisco Opera recently spoke with Opera Today critic Michael Milenski.