It was magic from the start, Verdi’s in medias res chords exploded and tumbled, Danish conductor Michael Schønwandt established the solid, brisk beat, brilliantly illuminating Verdi’s vast musical complexities to…
Author: Michael Milenski
PROM 56: Bruckner and God.
The BBC Singers and the Berliner Philharmoniker in motets and the Fifth Symphony Anton Bruckner was first and foremost a man of God. Much of what he composed was defined…
Porpora’s Ifigenia in Aulide in Bayreuth
Ifigenia in Aulide: Bayreuth Baroque 2024 opens with the modern premiere of Porpora’s 1735 opera It was with an opera by Nicola Antonio Porpora – Carlo il Calvo – that…
PROM 59: ‘French Fantasy’
Performances of varying quality, but much to enjoy in a couple of premieres and some exhilarating Ravel. Music of solace and sensuality formed the twin peaks of this all-French programme…
Il barbiere di Siviglia at the Rossini Opera Festival
The city of Pesaro is the 2024 Capitale Italiana della Cultura, adding luster to its 2017 Unesco designation as a Città Creativa. All this calls for celebration, and that was…
Bianca e Falliero at the Rossini Opera Festival
Expectations were high in Pesaro just now, not for the new production of Bianca e Falliero by French stage director Jean-Louis Grinda (expectations were low), but of the Rossini Opera…
Ermione at the Rossini Opera Festival
Ermione (Hermione in the Greek myth, though Rossini’s opera has nothing to do with the myth or Euripides tragedy) was anticipated with great expectations both because Michele Mariotti, Pesaro’s conducting…
L’equivoco stravagante at the Rossini Opera Festival
L’equivoco stravagante (1811) had only three performances before it was pulled by the censors. This is the same year its 19 year old composer was hauled off to prison for…
The Gambler (Игрокъ) and The Idiot (Идиот) at Salzburg’s Rock Riding School
The Salzburg Festival’s Felsenreitschule is home to most of its productions of twentieth century opera, just now two Russian operas based on novels by Fyodor Dostoevsky — Mieczyslaw Weinberg’s The…
Tristan und Isolde in Bayreuth
It is a Tristan well worthy of the Wagner shrine (not all Bayreuth productions are). Icelandic theater director Thorleifur Örn Arnarsson imposed a truly hermetic discussion of love onto the…