Berlioz in Boston

Not strictly opera, but so full of the usual suspects . . . My experience of Berlioz’s Dramatic Symphony Romeo et Juliette (R&J) came full circle last night at Boston’s…

Anne Sofie von Otter at Théâtre du Châtelet, Paris

Troubadour des temps modernes bq. Avec toujours un meme gout pour l’éloquente clarté, Anne Sofie von Otter sait tout faire. Bete de scène inespérée, elle est récitaliste sans appret ni…

Praises for Rodelinda at the Met

Review: ‘Rodelinda’ at Met Is Masterpiece MIKE SILVERMAN Associated Press NEW YORK – George Frideric Handel’s “Rodelinda” was a huge success at its London premiere in 1725, but it soon…

WARRACK: German Opera — From the Beginnings to Wagner

Writing a history of an important and complex operatic repertory spanning three dynamic centuries is a daunting task, one that is perhaps better suited to several specialists than a single author. While an individual rarely possesses the scholarly breadth to write with expertise and authority on so much music, he or she can impart a unifying perspective and a consistent set of goals. But this advantage can also prove to be a limitation.

Who Said Wagner Didn’t Have a Sense of Humor?

bq. Australia forges a ‘Ring’ with confidence By Shirley Apthorp Published: November 30 2004 Where do the Valkyries meet between battles? At the Wunder Bar, of course. Schwertleite, Grimgerde and…

Pierre Jourdan Resurrects Haÿdée at Compiègne

OPéRA “Hayedée” à Compiègne Auber sort de l’oubli Jacques Doucelin [Le Figaro] [30 novembre 2004] Et de cinq ! Après Manon Lescaut, Gustave III, Le Domino noir et Les Diamants…

Opera North Presents Kurt Weill’s One Touch of Venus

On the Weill side of Venus Robert Thicknesse Opera North is reviving a “lost” work by the composer THINK of Kurt Weill and what do you get? Cigarettes, dim lights,…

Izvestia Reviews

Neue Zürcher Zeitung Reviews Angels in America

Eine neue Oper von Peter Eötvös in Paris uraufgeführt Peter Eötvös, der ungarische Komponist und Dirigent, heuer sechzig geworden, fühlt sich schon seit je zum Theater hingezogen. Seine Musik hat…

Another View of The Inner Voice

Fleming gives what young singers need By Sarah Bryan Miller Post-Dispatch Classical Music Critic Sunday, Nov. 28 2004 “The Inner Voice: The Making of a Singer” By Renee Fleming Published…