Debussy tout feu tout glace La critique de Jacques Doucelin [15 septembre 2004] Une salle qui tousse à gorge déployée en été, hors de toute épidémie de grippe, au mieux…
Category: Reviews
FT: Ariadne auf Naxos, Welsh National Opera, Cardiff
Ariadne auf Naxos, Welsh National Opera, Cardiff By Richard Fairman Published: September 14 2004 03:00 | Last updated: September 14 2004 03:00 The Prologue to Ariadne auf Naxos is all…
NYT: Anne Midgette Reviews Katya Kabanova
CRITIC’S PICK | ANNE MIDGETTE A Star to Shed Light on Janacek’s Bleak Operatic Landscape OPINIONS may differ as to what constitutes a highlight at the Metropolitan Opera these days,…
WSJ: The Comeback Composer
The Comeback Composer Opera World Taps Handel To Woo New Audiences; Cleopatra in Gold Lamé By HEIDI WALESON The last time Michael Goodman had season tickets to the Metropolitan Opera…
FT: Martin Bernheimer reviews Daphne
Daphne New York City Opera By Martin Bernheimer Published: September 10 2004 03:00 | Last updated: September 10 2004 03:00 It took 66 years for Richard Strauss’sDaphne to reach a…
FT: Orion/Saariaho, Bluebeard/Bártok BBC Proms, Royal Albert Hall, London
By David Murray Published: September 9 2004 05:00 | Last updated: September 9 2004 05:00 Jukka-Pekka Saraste conducted the UK premiere of Kaija Saariaho’s grand new Orion followed by Bártok’s…
Simon Heighes Reviews L’Amfiparnaso
In the September 2004 issue of International Record Review, Simon Heighes reviews Orazio Vecchi’s L’Amfiparnaso, a new DVD under the Chandos Chaconne label. Composed in 1597, L’Amfiparnaso is a realization…
Fanfare Reviews Die Loreley
PACIUS Die Loreley * Osmo Vänskä, cond; Cornelius Hauptmann (Hubert); Soile Isokoski (Lenore); Riikka Rantanen (Bertha); Raimo Sirkiä (Otto); Topi Lehtipuu (Reinald); Arttu Kataja (Leupold); Lahti SO; Dominante Ch *…
Le Figaro: Charpentier en majesté
Charpentier en majesté Jacques Doucelin [08 septembre 2004] Bien avant d’imposer la victoire définitive de la vague baroque avec Atys, de Lully, William Christie s’était attelé à la redécouverte de…
NYT: Enough to Make Handel Reach for His Walkman
Enough to Make Handel Reach for His Walkman By ANTHONY TOMMASINI During the late 1720’s Handel had two rival prima donnas in the London opera company he ran: Francesca Cuzzoni…