Two Reviews of Rolando Villazón’s New York Recital Debut

*An Introduction in 5 Languages* By ANNE MIDGETTE [New York Times] The powers that be in the opera world are desperate to discover the next hot male phenomenon. On Monday,…

FT Reviews Elektra At Frankfurt Opera

*Elektra, Frankfurt Opera* By Shirley Apthorp Published: October 12 2004 03:00 | Last updated: October 12 2004 03:00 “Everywhere, in all the courts, there are dead bodies, all who are…

FT Reviews La Grande Duchesse de Gérolstein

*La Grande Duchesse de Gérolstein, Châtelet, Paris* By Francis Carlin Published: October 11 2004 03:00 | Last updated: October 11 2004 03:00 Were the Brits in the audience the only…

Cecilia Bartoli at Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, Paris

*La réhabilitation pour Salieri* Au TCE, Cecilia Bartoli se fait l’éblouissante avocate d’un musicien dont la postérité retiendra avant tout les soupçons d’empoisonnement sur la personne de Mozart : Antonio…

Le Monde Reviews Messiaen’s “Saint François d’Assise”

*La mise en apesanteur divine de “Saint François d’Assise”, SDF de la foi* LE MONDE | 08.10.04 | 15h02 A l’Opéra Bastille, les tableaux franciscains d’Olivier Messiaen par Stanislas Nordey.…

“La Voix Humaine” at Vremena Goda Festival

*Voznesenskaya – only too human* by Neil McGowan La Voix Humaine (concert performance) Vremena Goda Festival Vremena Goda Orchestra/Bulakhov 29 September 2004 Bringing down the curtain on the Vremena Goda…

Moscow Times: Entering the Ring

*George Loomis reports on Wagner opera, Russian-style.* By George Loomis Published: October 8, 2004 Last spring the Metropolitan Opera gave three complete cycles of Richard Wagner’s four-opera saga, “Der Ring…

FT Reviews Tamerlano

*Tamerlano, Opéra de Lille* By Francis Carlin Published: October 6 2004 03:00 | Last updated: October 6 2004 03:00 There should be a golden rule for producers: don’t make life…

Le Figaro on Charpentier Festival

FESTIVAL Marc-Antoine Charpentier à Ambronay Triomphe de la jeunesse Gérard Corneloup [30 septembre 2004] En cette année du bicentenaire de la mort de Marc-Antoine Charpentier, occasion unique de le sortir…

FROSCH at Innsbruck

Die Frau ohne Schatten, Tiroler Landstheater, Innsbruck By Larry L Lash Published: September 29 2004 03:00 | Last updated: September 29 2004 03:00 It was a strange match: Richard Strauss’s…