It can be fascinating, although not necessarily pleasant, to see oneself through the eyes of others.
Category: Recordings
Wagner’s Rienzi in Berlin
The Voltaire maxim usually given in English as “The perfect is the enemy of the good” illuminates the artistic conflicts surrounding many a Wagner production.
The Metropolitan Opera HD Live on DVD
Since 2006, movie cineplexes across the USA have attracted a somewhat unlikely crowd for Saturday matinees, from fall to spring.
Bach Cantatas, volume 11
Pilgrimages, I suspect, derive a degree of their fruitfulness from the slowness of the journey, a pace born of desire or necessity, that removes the journey from the quotidian, brings the purpose into greater focus, and allows for a richer savoring of the experience.
Le Royaume OubliÈ: La TragÈdie Cathare
Before a single track has been heard, Jordi Savall’s The Forgotten Kingdom impresses with its scale: a three-CD set packaged in a lavish, bound book that contains fifty dense pages of English commentary by nine different authors; adding the multiple translations, beautiful illustrations, and song texts, the book itself luxuriantly sprawls over 500 pages.
Benvenuto Cellini
Philipp Stˆlzl’s production of Benvenuto Cellini, from the 2007 Salzburg Festival, is weird almost beyond belief.
Elizabeth Schwarzkopf in Der Rosenkavalier
Classic films often receive the honor of a full “restoration,” especially when a new viewing format appears.
John Adams: Nixon in China
A quarter century having passed since its premiere, Nixon in China appears to have secured a niche in the opera repertoire, at least of American opera houses.
Philip Glass’s OrphÈe
With voices of doom predicting the end of the CD format — supposedly to be replaced by downloading — the ancillary art of CD packaging also faces a grim future.
Bellini’s I Puritani in Bologna
Vincenzo Bellini’s operas are pure bel canto, with beautiful singing placed above all other considerations.