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15 Sep 2005

This Season in St. Petersburg »

14 Sep 2005

S.F. Opera opens on a high note »

14 Sep 2005

Le voyage de Provence à Paris profite grandement à "Cosi fan tutte",1-0@2-3246,36-688947@51-627783,0.html »

14 Sep 2005

Linzer Brucknerfest: Back to the roots »

14 Sep 2005

FT Reviews Waiting for the Barbarians »

13 Sep 2005

Waiting for the Barbarians,11712,1568451,00.html »

13 Sep 2005

OPERA OPENING NIGHT — Caravan of the exotic in San Francisco »

13 Sep 2005

For NYC Opera, 'Patience' is a virtue »

13 Sep 2005

La Traviata at the Aotea Centre »

13 Sep 2005

Singing Against Type »

13 Sep 2005

Classical Preview: London Concerts and Opera, Autumn 2005 »

13 Sep 2005

Dom Sebastien, Roi De Portugal, Royal Opera House, London »

08 Sep 2005

L'Opéra de Paris Announces 2005-2006 Season

Season to include world premiere of Saariaho's Adriana Mater L'Opera de Paris has announced its 2005-2006 season. It will begin on 9 September with Antonin Dvorak's Rusalka. This will be followed by Mozart's Cosi fan tutte and a new production,... »

08 Sep 2005

Peter Schreier and András Schiff in Budapest »

07 Sep 2005

Simone Young's Debut »

05 Sep 2005

Die Presse Interviews Welser-Möst »

29 Aug 2005

Vivaldi and the chorus of unwanted children »

29 Aug 2005

Edinburgh reports: slow burn gives sumptuous results »

29 Aug 2005

Simone Young Plans Four Britten Operas in Hamburg »

29 Aug 2005

Pamela Rosenberg Goes to Berlin »

26 Aug 2005

Fidelio, KlangBogen Wien »

24 Aug 2005

Mercadante's Pelagio in Gijón »

24 Aug 2005

Masaaki Suzuki in Tokyo »

24 Aug 2005

Celebrating Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau's 80th at Salzburger Felsenreitschule »

23 Aug 2005

La Traviata and Mazeppa at Salzburg,11712,1554371,00.html »

22 Aug 2005

Rossini's Adelaide di Borgogna at Edinburgh,11712,1553696,00.html »

22 Aug 2005

Caballé Backs Out of Pelagio Production »

21 Aug 2005

Sir John and Me »

21 Aug 2005

Honoring Franz Schreker »

20 Aug 2005

The Guardian Profiles Sir Charles Mackerras,11710,1552655,00.html »

20 Aug 2005

Renovating The Bolshoi »

20 Aug 2005

Discovering Rossini in Pesaro »

19 Aug 2005

La Clemenza di Tito at Edinburgh,11712,1551110,00.html »

19 Aug 2005

Daily Telegraph Interviews Franz Welser-Möst »

19 Aug 2005

On Melodrama,12102,1551527,00.html »

18 Aug 2005

Cecilia Bartoli in Salzburg »

18 Aug 2005

Iolanta at Royal Albert Hall,11712,1550550,00.html »

18 Aug 2005

The Mariinsky on the Skids?,5744,16295766%255E16947,00.html »

17 Aug 2005

Motezuma Judgment Overruled on Appeal »

16 Aug 2005

Handel's Giulio Cesare at Glyndebourne »

16 Aug 2005

Die Gezeichneten at Salzburg »

16 Aug 2005

Mitridate, Re di Ponto at Salzburg »

16 Aug 2005

Candide in San Francisco »

12 Aug 2005

Der lustige Krieg at Bregenz »

11 Aug 2005

Honoring Karl Hartmann »

11 Aug 2005

Nielsen's Maskarade at Bregenz »

10 Aug 2005

Another Vivaldi Work Discovered »

10 Aug 2005

Musical Lies »

10 Aug 2005

Golijov's Aindamar at Santa Fe »

09 Aug 2005

Le Figaro Discovers Mörbisch Festival on the Lake »

09 Aug 2005

A Double Bill at Glimmerglass »

09 Aug 2005

The Ring in Seattle »

09 Aug 2005

Tristan und Isolde at Bayreuth,11712,1541990,00.html »

07 Aug 2005

Barber's Vanessa in Central City »

05 Aug 2005

Conductor Riccardo Muti Discusses Mozart, La Scala Squabble »

05 Aug 2005

Jennifer Larmore in Chicago »

05 Aug 2005

Boris Godunov at Covent Garden,11712,1541186,00.html »

03 Aug 2005

Renovations underway at the Wiener Staatsoper

Main stage of Wiener Staatsoper undergoing decennial renovations. (Photo: Gary Hoffman)... »

03 Aug 2005

Britten's Paul Bunyan at Central City »

03 Aug 2005

La Voix Humaine at Glimmerglass,,SB112302089510903059,00.html?mod=opinion&ojcontent=otep »

02 Aug 2005

Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg at Munich,419883.html »

02 Aug 2005

Mitridate, Re di Ponto and The Magic Flute at Salzburg »

15 Jul 2005

HGO Introduces Anthony Freud »

14 Jul 2005

Turandot at Liceu »

14 Jul 2005

Festspiel Baden-Baden Begins Tchaikovsky Series with The Sorceress »

13 Jul 2005

The Highpoint of Festivals Styriarte »

13 Jul 2005

Aix-en-Provence »

12 Jul 2005

Text of decision in Motezuma dispute »

12 Jul 2005

Sing-Akademie Issues Press Release »

11 Jul 2005

Sing-Akademie Prevails »

04 Jul 2005

Conti's Don Quichotte at Festival de Musique Baroque de Beaune

Ouvert vendredi soir par l’Alcina de Haendel, le festival de Beaune, qui accueille la crème des ensembles baroques jusqu’à la fin du mois, fait événement samedi avec la création française du Don Chisciotte signé, en 1719 à Vienne, par le Florentin Francesco Bartolomeo Conti, virtuose du théorbe et compositeur attitré de la cour de Charles-VI de Habsbourg. Le chef et musicologue René Jacobs a découvert cette partition il y a quinze ans, et l’a déjà donnée à Innsbruck il y a douze ans, dans des décors de Roland Topor. Il fait le point sur la version du concert qu’il dirige dans la cour des Hospices de Beaune, prélude à une nouvelle production au festival d’Innsbruck en août. »

04 Jul 2005

CNN Interviews Tony Hall »

26 Jun 2005

A New Mariinsky »

26 Jun 2005

Merkur Interviews Diana Damrau

Wo sie auftritt, bezaubert sie das Publikum. So auch das Münchner Opernpublikum und unsere Leser, die Diana Damrau in diesem Jahr den Merkur-Theaterpreis zugesprochen haben. Eine Sängerin der Extraklasse. Auch ohne gigantische Vermarktungsmaschinerie hat sich die Günzburgerin an die internationale Spitze gesungen. »

26 Jun 2005

Tan Dun Arrives at the Met »

24 Jun 2005

40th Season at Saratoga Performing Arts Center »

24 Jun 2005

A Profile of James Conlon »

19 Jun 2005

Cabell Wins Cardiff Singer of the World 2005 »

19 Jun 2005

Renata Scotto — Teacher »

16 Jun 2005

David Gockley on Selling Tickets

When David Gockley became business manager at the Houston Grand Opera in 1970, the company, like most regional troupes in the U.S. at the time, was doing “instant opera.” “There was a guy in north Jersey who had acquired all these old painted drops from Europe,” Mr. Gockley recalls. “He would rent out a generic ‘Tosca’ or ‘Trovatore.’ They came in bags — you stretched the drops on frames.” There was no rehearsal period — singers arrived, performed and left. Mr. Gockley became HGO’s general director in 1972 and immediately changed all that. One of his first productions was “The Marriage of Figaro,” with specially designed sets, a director, and a three-week rehearsal period. “We had a nice cast, including the young Frederica von Stade as Cherubino,” says Mr. Gockley. It cost more than instant opera, but it paid off. »

14 Jun 2005

Vivaldi's Motezuma Restored

ROTTERDAM, the Netherlands, June 12 – Antonio Vivaldi returned to his hometown, Venice, early in 1733, eager to reclaim his place as the Venetian republic’s most popular composer. During his five-year absence, younger Naples-trained musicians had come to the fore with their own “dramas with music,” but now, at 55, Vivaldi was ready to take them on with a daringly modern opera inspired by Hernán Cortés’s conquest of the Aztecs. »

13 Jun 2005

The Fanny-Hensel-Festival 2005

Sie war begabt und privilegiert wie ihr Bruder Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Sie schuf in ihrem kurzen Leben weit über 400 Werke. Die Universität der Künste feiert nun den 200. Geburtstag von Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn. »

12 Jun 2005

Don Carlos and Don Carlo at the Wiener Staatsoper

Selbst Giuseppe Verdi hat nie eine Realisierung seiner Vertonung von Schillers “Don Carlos” in ihrer Gesamtheit erleben dürfen. Bereits vor der Generalprobe zur Uraufführung in Paris musste er aus banalem Grund – die Gäste sollten die nächtlichen Züge noch erreichen – Teile seines Werkes streichen, vor der Premiere setzte er noch einmal der Rotstift an. »

12 Jun 2005

Mattheson's Boris Goudenow in Boston

AN early-music festival might not seem the likeliest place to witness a world premiere. But that is what the audience at the Cutler Majestic Theater on the campus of Emerson College will do this week when, after a 295-year delay, the Boston Early Music Festival presents the first fully staged production of the opera “Boris Goudenow, or The Throne Attained Through Cunning, or Honor Joined Happily With Affection,” by the German Baroque composer Johann Mattheson. »

11 Jun 2005

The Midnight Court Premieres in Toronto

Banned in Ireland. The phrase still has some weight, at a time when talking about banning anything is to align yourself with dogmatic mullahs and evangelists. It’s hard to imagine how Brian Merriman, living in an Irish hamlet in the late 18th century, managed to write a literary work shocking enough to be untouchable for nearly two centuries. But the satiric bite of his 1,000-line Gaelic poem The Midnight Court is still something to wonder at, and thanks to Toronto’s Queen of Puddings Music Theatre, something to sing about as well. »

07 Jun 2005

Works of Bach and Handel Discovered

BERLIN (AFP) – Des partitions jusqu’ici inédites des compositeurs allemands Jean-Sébastien Bach (1685-1750) et Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1750) ont été découvertes dans des archives à Weimar et Munich, selon les archives de Bavière et de la Fondation Bach. »

05 Jun 2005

The State of Online Audio Services

Every few decades, audio formats change, and libraries rebuild their music collections. We’ve gone from 78s to LPs, then from LPs to CDs. While CDs stand to be produced for quite some time, it’s not clear how long large library CD collections—with many recordings going back to the mid-1980s—will last. Today, the format shift is on again as librarians attempt to offer patrons what they really want: online audio. »

04 Jun 2005

Rupert Christiansen Interviews Gerald Finley

Before he jets off to take the lead in John Adams’s new opera, Gerald Finley faces a challenge nearer home. He talks to Rupert Christiansen »

29 May 2005

Replacing David Gockley

Edward G. Wallace Jr., an oilman, has observed and supported the arts in Houston for several decades. His great passion is opera, especially bel canto opera. »

28 May 2005

Alberto Vilar Arrested

Alberto Vilar, a hotshot millionaire money manager and the Metropolitan Opera’s largest benefactor, was hauled before a federal judge yesterday on charges he stole $5 million from a client — and then used part of the money to make a donation to his alma mater. »

28 May 2005

Teatro Colon — Where The House Is The Show

Most people go to the opera to see the show. In Buenos Aires, many go just to see the opera house. Recently refurbished, the Teatro Colon offers guided tours through what is one of the world’s truly great houses of music. These tours are a hot attraction, especially for the tourists flooding the Argentine capital these days, where the dollar still has muscle. The tours are in Spanish, English, Portuguese and other languages. »

28 May 2005

A Profile of Valery Gergiev

What makes Valery Gergiev run? When the announcement came last week that he was to take over from Sir Colin Davis as principal conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra, it was obvious what the LSO got from the deal. It confirmed them as one of the world’s leading orchestras, able to attract (Sir Simon Rattle possibly excepted) the most talented and charismatic conductor of his generation. For Gergiev, however, it was just another high-profile post to add to his already prodigious workload. »