Soldier Songs in San Diego

David Little composed his one-man opera, Soldier Songs, ten years ago and the International Festival of Arts & Ideas of New Haven, Connecticut, premiered it in 2011. At San Diego Opera, the fifty-five minute musical presentation and the “Talk Back” that followed it were part of the Shiley d?tour Series which is held in the company’s smaller venue, the historic Balboa Theatre.

San Diego Opera Presents Charming Cinderella

On Saturday, October 22, San Diego Opera opened its main stage season with Rossini’s comic opera, Cinderella (La Cenerentola). Lindy Hume’s production had already worked it intrinsic magic in Australia, New Zealand, and Leipzig, Germany but this was its first run of performances in the United States.

San Diego Opera new season 2013

The New Year 2013 is here and San Diego Opera will open its season at the
end of this month. The company will present four well known operas:
Gaetano Donizetti’s The Daughter of the Regiment (La Fille du Regiment),
Camille Saint-SaÎns’ Samson and Delilah, Ildebrando Pizzetti’s Murder in
the Cathedral (Assassinio nella Cathedrale) and Giuseppe Verdi’s Aida
along with a Mariachi opera: Cruzar la Cara de la Luna, (To Cross the
Face of the Moon).