Chinese bass Hao Jiang Tian was 30, when he enrolled as an undergraduate at the University of Denver 1983.
Month: July 2008
MOZART: Die Entf¸hrung aus dem Serail — Salzburg 1975
Die Entf¸hrung aus dem Serail: Singspiel in 3 Acts.
First Night of the Proms
Itís not so long ago that the opening night of the Proms was given over to a single major choral work, but in more recent times it has become more of an overt opener to the season, presenting a taster menu of the themes running through the seasonís subsequent 70-plus concerts.
Gordon creates masterpiece in ìGreen Sneakersî
Eugenia Zukerman asked for a 10-minute chamber work ó a piano quintet, perhaps ó and she got Green Sneakers for Baritone, String Quartet and Empty Chair, which lasts exactly an hour.
The Coronation of Poppea,com_events/Itemid,187/task,view_detail/agid,3474/year,2008/month,07/day,20/
Giasone, Iford Manor, Wiltshire
From frothy comedy to best of British, Buxton is a jolly good show
New York Grand Opera’s ‘Traviata’ in the Park
Geez, Louise
ìQuelle plaisirî to encounter Gustave Charpentierís seldom performed ìLouiseî at the Paris Opera in a production where most everything went spectacularly right.