Idomeneo, rË di Creta: Dramma per musica in tre atti (K. 366).
Month: July 2008
Idomeneo and Doktor Faust at M¸nchen Opernfestspiele
The Bayerische Staatsoper, based in three spectacular houses where Mozart, Wagner and many other composers premiered their works, presents over 300 annual performances to a discerning public.
VillazÛn on Deutsche Grammophon
The opera world, always ravenous for talented, charismatic tenors, felt desperate hunger pains last summer, when Rolando VillazÛn canceled dates with an explanation that a health crisis necessitated a sabbatical from singing.
Mozart’s La Finta Giardiniera x2
With a composer as widely beloved as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, for an opera to be all but forgotten suggests the work has problems beyond redemption.
Der Rosenkavalier highlights on Classics for Pleasure
For the opera of average length, a decent highlights disc can feature as much as half the score.
Samson at Buxton Opera House
Revealing the best kept secret in opera
Singers Muster at the Drill Hall
Die Soldaten
Bernd Alois Zimmermann was a sensitive, none too healthy 21-year-old music prodigy in 1939, when he was drafted into the German army.