How a Coloratura Soprano Saved the Met

The Cunning Little Vixen, London

An enchanting evening at Covent Garden:

New World order dominate line up for this year’s Edinburgh International Festival

Handel Festival: Apollo e Dafne and selected arias

This Prince: What a Piece of Work

New soprano finding her footing in Lyric’s ‘Figaro’,0,2663965.column

Thomas AdËs in concert

The Saint of Bleecker Street, Marseilles

It takes some courage these days for an opera company to program a Gian Carlo Menotti opera. Nonetheless last month the OpÈra de Marseille defied current sensibilities to give us a new production of The Saint of Bleecker Street.

Les Troyens at Carnegie Hall

Les Troyens is the noblest grand opera ever composed by a Frenchman, one of those desert-island works of which it is impossible to tire because its depths can never be completely sounded.

Concert of Arias by Arizona Opera

Advertised as ‘ A night of powerful music with today’s superstars,’ Arizona Opera’s concert of opera arias definitely lived up to those words.