bq. Boris Trajanov, Evan Bowers and Marquita Lister Opernhaus Graz’s new production of Tosca is a hit. According to Larry Lash of the Financial Times, bq. A stage direction in…
Thomas Quasthoff Releases Autobiography
Quasthoff, der Grosse Der Bariton hat in einer aufwühlenden Biographie aufgeschrieben, wie er trotz seiner Behinderung zum Weltstar wurde “Rechts, links, rechts, links, rechts, links metronomt mein Kopf auf dem…
Lady Macbeth at the Bolshoi
Dangerous Music When Stalin pulled Shostakovich’s opera “Lady Macbeth” from the Soviet stage, the composer had good reason to fear for his life. By Raymond Stults Published: November 19, 2004…
The Cunning Little Vixen at the Chicago Lyric
If ‘Vixen’ can find its balance, it’ll be a charmer November 19, 2004 BY WYNNE DELACOMA Classical Music Critic Somewhere amid the nonstop bustle onstage and the flood of highly…
The Cost of Doing Business
Opera House faces price scrutiny Arts organisations such as the Royal Opera House face the risk of losing their charitable status over ticket prices under a proposed bill. According to…
Merkur Interviews Edita Gruberova and Friedrich Haider on the Dissolution of the Rundfunkorchester
Von Gefühl und Geist keine Ahnung Edita Gruberova und Friedrich Haider zur Auflösung des Rundfunkorchesters bq. Für den Bayerischen Rundfunk mit Intendant Thomas Gruber an der Spitze mag das Münchner…
Le Monde Reviews La Traviata at La Fenice: High Praise for Cast — Carsen’s Production a Cliché
La Fenice refaite à neuf lance sa saison avec une “Traviata” façon années 1970 LE MONDE | 17.11.04 | 18h19 Le théâtre vénitien, rénové après l’incendie de 1996, présente l’œuvre…
The Biting Kiss
“Pardon me, but your teeth are in my neck”: Giambattista Marino, Claudio Monteverdi, and the bacio mordace Massimo Ossi Claudio Monteverdi’s “Eccomi pronta ai baci” presents an odd pairing of…
Wiener Staatsoper Announces Program Remembering 50th Anniversary of Rebuilding of Opera House
On 5 November 2005, the Wiener Staatsoper will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the rebuilding of the opera house, which had been destroyed near the end of World War II.…
On Lulu’s Portrait
Ascription of Identity: The Bild Motif and the Character of Lulu Silvio José Dos Santos The most controversial aspect of Alban Berg’s opera Lulu — and one that has generated…