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English Touring Opera are delighted to announce a season of lyric monodramas to tour nationally from October to December. The season features music for solo singer and piano by Argento, Britten, Tippett and Shostakovich with a bold and inventive approach to making opera during social distancing.
This tenth of ten Live from London concerts was in fact a recorded live performance from California. It was no less enjoyable for that, and it was also uplifting to learn that this wasn’t in fact the ‘last’ LfL event that we will be able to enjoy, courtesy of VOCES8 and their fellow vocal ensembles (more below …).
Ever since Wigmore Hall announced their superb series of autumn concerts, all streamed live and available free of charge, I’d been looking forward to this song recital by Ian Bostridge and Imogen Cooper.
Although Stile Antico’s programme article for their Live from London recital introduced their selection from the many treasures of the English Renaissance in the context of the theological debates and upheavals of the Tudor and Elizabethan years, their performance was more evocative of private chamber music than of public liturgy.
Evidently, face masks don’t stifle appreciative “Bravo!”s. And, reducing audience numbers doesn’t lower the volume of such acclamations. For, the audience at Wigmore Hall gave soprano Elizabeth Llewellyn and pianist Simon Lepper a greatly deserved warm reception and hearty response following this lunchtime recital of late-Romantic song.
For this week’s Live from London vocal recital we moved from the home of VOCES8, St Anne and St Agnes in the City of London, to Kings Place, where The Sixteen - who have been associate artists at the venue for some time - presented a programme of music and words bound together by the theme of ‘reflection’.
'Such is your divine Disposation that both you excellently understand, and royally entertaine the Exercise of Musicke.’
‘And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven … that old serpent … Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.’
There was never any doubt that the fifth of the twelve Met Stars Live in Concert broadcasts was going to be a palpably intense and vivid event, as well as a musically stunning and theatrically enervating experience.
‘Love’ was the theme for this Live from London performance by Apollo5. Given the complexity and diversity of that human emotion, and Apollo5’s reputation for versatility and diverse repertoire, ranging from Renaissance choral music to jazz, from contemporary classical works to popular song, it was no surprise that their programme spanned 500 years and several musical styles.
The Academy of St Martin in the Fields have titled their autumn series of eight concerts - which are taking place at 5pm and 7.30pm on two Saturdays each month at their home venue in Trafalgar Square, and being filmed for streaming the following Thursday - ‘re:connect’.
The London Symphony Orchestra opened their Autumn 2020 season with a homage to Oliver Knussen, who died at the age of 66 in July 2018. The programme traced a national musical lineage through the twentieth century, from Britten to Knussen, on to Mark-Anthony Turnage, and entwining the LSO and Rattle too.
With the Live from London digital vocal festival entering the second half of the series, the festival’s host, VOCES8, returned to their home at St Annes and St Agnes in the City of London to present a sequence of ‘Choral Dances’ - vocal music inspired by dance, embracing diverse genres from the Renaissance madrigal to swing jazz.
Just a few unison string wriggles from the opening of Mozart’s overture to Le nozze di Figaro are enough to make any opera-lover perch on the edge of their seat, in excited anticipation of the drama in music to come, so there could be no other curtain-raiser for this Gala Concert at the Royal Opera House, the latest instalment from ‘their House’ to ‘our houses’.
"Before the ending of the day, creator of all things, we pray that, with your accustomed mercy, you may watch over us."
The doors at The Metropolitan Opera will not open to live audiences until 2021 at the earliest, and the likelihood of normal operatic life resuming in cities around the world looks but a distant dream at present. But, while we may not be invited from our homes into the opera house for some time yet, with its free daily screenings of past productions and its pay-per-view Met Stars Live in Concert series, the Met continues to bring opera into our homes.
Music-making at this year’s Grange Festival Opera may have fallen silent in June and July, but the country house and extensive grounds of The Grange provided an ideal setting for a weekend of twelve specially conceived ‘promenade’ performances encompassing music and dance.
There’s a “slide of harmony” and “all the bones leave your body at that moment and you collapse to the floor, it’s so extraordinary.”
“Music for a while, shall all your cares beguile.”
The hum of bees rising from myriad scented blooms; gentle strains of birdsong; the cheerful chatter of picnickers beside a still lake; decorous thwacks of leather on willow; song and music floating through the warm evening air.
16 Dec 2004
Il ritorno di Ulisse in patria a Brescia
Una spiaggia di sabbia, due muri ai lati, l'ingresso monumentale alla reggia di Itaca sul fondo. E' incredibile come questa scena fissa semplicissima sia riuscita a reggere per le tre ore e mezza di spettacolo, ma non solo, a renderlo...
Una spiaggia di sabbia, due muri ai lati, l'ingresso monumentale alla reggia di Itaca sul fondo. E' incredibile come questa scena fissa semplicissima sia riuscita a reggere per le tre ore e mezza di spettacolo, ma non solo, a renderlo comunque vario e godibilissimo.
Sto parlando della messinscena dell'opera di Monteverdi gia' data a Cremona e anche altrove nel circuito dei teatri lombardi, che io ho visto domenica al teatro Grande di Brescia. E' una produzione proveniente da Aix-en-Provence, con le scene e i costumi di Anthony Ward e la regia di Adrian Noble. Per quanto riguarda la parte musicale, Ottavio Dantone dirigeva l'Accademia Bizantina, il coro Costanzo Porta e l'affollatissimo cast. Ma andiamo con ordine.

Accademia Bizantina, Ottavio Dantone, musical director
Come ho detto la scena era seplicissima. Solo, si aggiungevano a quanto ho descritto alcuni fili luminosi che calavano dall'alto e pochi effetti di fumo per le scene "celesti", qualche botola e praticamente niente altro. Eppure lo spettacolo era movimentatissimo: il regista ha chiesto molto ai cantanti in termini di recitazione e tutti hanno risposto molto bene. Capriole, ruote, arrampicamenti sui muri, salti, voli su semplicissime macchine teatrali. Non pensate che l'opera di Monteverdi sia stata trasformata in un circo: la regia e' stata rispettabilissima del libretto e della vicenda e l'unica liberta' che si e' presa, al di la' della vaga atemporalita' dei costumi, e' stato quello di dare all'insieme una colorazione orientale piu' che greca. Col risultato che i tre Proci sembravano piuttosto i Re Magi, ma era un guaio da poco. Il massimo della richiesta registica penso sia stato quello a Roberto Balconi, che fra le altre cose ha interpretato l'Humana Fragilita' nel prologo e che ha sportivamente accettato di cantare per venti minuti buoni completamente nudo, scioccando un po' le signore della pomeridiana domenicale ma nel complesso con un effetto drammatico notevole.
Che poi Balconi abbia la voce che ha... purtroppo e' un altro discorso. Mi sembra la Kabaiwanska dei controtenori, sembra che la voce gli debba essere estratta a forza dalle tonsille. Il cast era dominato da Furio Zanasi che era Ulisse e soprattutto da Sonia Prina che e' stata una Penelope assolutamente strepitosa. Bravissima, lo so che il suo timbro di voce non piace a tutti ma in questo Monteverdi e' stata esemplare per stile, per dizione (non abbiamo perso una sola sillaba del testo) per gusto negli ornamenti. Dieci con lode. C'erano poi, bravissimi, Sergio Foresti (Antinoo), Luca Dordolo (Telemaco) e Roberta Invernizzi (La Fortuna e Minerva). Gli altri erano accettabili su vari livelli, un po' fioca purtroppo la Melanto di Paola Quagliata.
Lo spettacolo sara' riproposto nei prossimi mesi a Ferrara e a Bari: se potete non perdetevelo.
Riccardo Domenichini