Gockley named San Francisco Opera director
By Joshua Kosman, [San Francisco] Chronicle Music Critic
Monday, February 7, 2005
Editor's note: The San Francisco Opera has appointed David Gockley, longtime artistic director of the Houston Grand Opera, to succeed Pamela Rosenberg. After 32 years in Houston, Gockley will succeed Rosenberg in January. On Sunday, he sat down for an exclusive interview with San Francisco Chronicle Music Critic Joshua Kosman.
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David Gockley's vision for the San Francisco Opera is impressive in its sweep and simplicity: He wants to have it all.
Starry glitz and populist directness, old and new repertoire, traditional and non-traditional approaches to opera -- all of these and more figure into Gockley's plans for his term as the company's new general director, which begins in January 2006.
"What I want to do is to fill the theater and maximize the revenue and interest the donors and pursue the grand tradition of the San Francisco Opera, the tradition of international glamour and excitement and luminousness," he said recently.
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