The New Opera House at Copenhagen
The Protocols of Going to the Danish Opera (and Going Home)
By ANTHONY TOMMASINI [NY Times, 26 Mar 05]
For a New Yorker accustomed to watching the madcap dash to the exits that typically ensues as soon as a performance ends at the Metropolitan Opera, the relaxed pace and genteel protocols of opera-going in Copenhagen were a balm.
Of course, maybe my recent experience was not typical. The citizens are still abuzz about the new $441 million home of the Royal Danish Opera, which opened in January. Arguments continue about the architectural quality of the imposing structure. But over all the city could not be more excited about its new house.
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In Copenhagen, There's Music in the Air
Erika Lorentzsen [Washington Post, 27 Mar 05]
Months before its completion, it was clear that something intriguing was taking shape at Copenhagen's former Royal Naval Dockyard. A huge glass sphere topped by a flat roof, the evolving structure became a standout in a city known for its innovative architecture and design.
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