A Guardian Angel: VOCES8 open their Live from London – Christmas festival

Sixteen concerts over five weeks, 280 artists, a ‘Young Singers’ spotlight featuring singers from the UK, US Germany and Singapore, and six newly commissioned works.  VOCES8’s Live from London –…

Nicky Spence and Julius Drake bring Gypsy magic and mystery to Wigmore Hall

‘You noticed a nice passage in my Diary of One Who Disappeared?  You know, it would be like under that fir tree of mine in my forest.  And there’s another…

A virtual ‘Der Lindenbaum’: Streetwise Opera bring the 2020 Ryedale Festival Online to a restful close

Streetwise Opera were joined by baritone Roderick Williams, the Brodsky Quartet and Genesis Sixteen for a special ‘virtual’ performance of Schubert’s ‘Der Lindenbaum’, the fifth song of the composer’s song-cycle Winterreise, bringing this year’s Ryedale Festival Online to a pensive close.