Another View of A Wedding

Bolcom’s music humanizes Altman’s sardonic ‘Wedding’ Movie-turned-opera by U-M composer William Bolcom opens in Chicago. By Lawrence B. Johnson / Detroit News Music Critic Image CHICAGO — Think of the…

Falstaff at Strasbourg

Falstaff, Opéra du Rhin, Strasbourg By Francis Carlin Published: December 14 2004 15:54 | Last updated: December 14 2004 15:54 The posters dotted around Strasbourg showed a figure trussed up…

Die tote Stadt at the Wiener Staatsoper

Kritik Staatsoper: Sie war doch nur scheintot VON WILHELM SINKOVICZ Wie Erich Wolfgang Korngolds einstiger Sensationserfolg “Die tote Stadt” zum Repertoirestück wird. Wiederbelebungsversuche startet man seit geraumer Zeit mit vie…

Rossini’s La Pietra del Paragone at Opéra de Fribourg

LA PIETRA DEL PARAGONE (La pierre de touche) Melodramma giocoso en deux actes de Gioacchino Rossini Livret de Luigi Romanelli (1751-1839) Créé à la Scala de Milan le 26 septembre…

Kurt Weill’s One Touch of Venus

One Touch of Venus, Grand Theatre, Leeds By Richard Fairman [Financial Times] Published: December 13 2004 02:00 | Last updated: December 13 2004 02:00 It is no surprise that Kurt…

Le Monde Reviews First Encounter

Sélection CD L’osmose de deux timbres rares LE MONDE | 13.12.04 | 15h33 First Encounter: Angelika Kirchschlager & Barbara Bonney Classique “Il y a très longtemps, raconte Barbara Bonney, que…

Elektra at the Oper Duisburg

Elektra in der Oper Duisburg: Ein Leben für den Tod Rheinoper: In Duisburg zeigen Stein Winge und Johannes Schütz Richard Strauss` “Elektra” in einer Welt, die Kopf steht. Duisburg. Alles…

Troubles at the Münchener Bach-Chor

Riss im Ensemble Bach-Chor ins Schlingern geraten Es schien perfekt eingefädelt: ein Konzert zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum, dann sogar mit dem künftigen Chef am Pult. Doch Ralf Otto, der charismatische Wunschkandidat…

Lavinia fuggita at Modena

Lavinia la turca Lavinia fuggita Opera da camera in un atto di Matteo D’Amico libretto di Sandro Cappelletto, liberamente tratto dall’omonimo racconto di Anna Banti prima rappresentazione: Modena, Teatro Comunale…

Demonstrations of the École de Danse of the Ballet de l’Opéra National de Paris

The Paris Opera Ballet School, founded by Louis XIV in 1713—it’s the world’s oldest academy for producing classical dancers—is now located in a utilitarian complex specifically built for it in Nanterre, on the bleak outskirts of the City of Light. But for more than a century it was located in the bowels of the lavish Palais Garnier, at the hub of urban elegance. It was there—cocooned in that opera house’s imposing Second Empire decorative excesses of varicolored marble offset by gilt and bronze; of statues, bas-reliefs, frescos, and mosaics; of deep red plush and heavy figured and tasseled drapery; of an infinity of mirrors and chandeliers—that I saw the daylong program this extraordinary school, the oldest and arguably the greatest of its kind, modestly calls its “Demonstrations.”