Fort Worth Opera Festival features ìAngels in Americaî

In 2007 it was an experiment; now itís a new summer festival firmly rooted in fertile Texas turf with a bright view of its second season and of the more distant future as well.

Spoleto USA revives opera, hall

Operas do not often get a second chance. A new work is premiered and ó if itís a co-commission ó it moves on to another company or two.

Berlinís ìotherî opera often stellar

It is, you might say, the little opera that can. True, if itís size of the budget, the price of tickets and the number of seats that concerns you, the Komische Oper is clearly the third of Berlinís opera houses.

Interview with Canadian Mezzo-Soprano, Jean Stilwell, and pianist, Patti Loach

ìQuand je vous aimerais? Ma fois, je ne sais pas?î are Carmenís first words of seduction.

Tom Moore Interviews Dimitri Cervo

Oct. 25, 2007, Sala Cecilia Meireles

I met the young gaucho composer Dimitri Cervo at the 2003 Bienal of Contemporary Music, where his works for solo flute and strings, Pattapiana [named for Pattapio Silva, a great Brazilian flutist who died tragically
young at the beginning of the last century] made quite an impression.

Houston puts final touches on new Heggie opera

Thereís still a hint of jest in the comparison, but itís not without reason that Jake Heggie and Terrence McNally are mentioned now and then in opera circles as ìthe Strauss and Hofmannsthal of the 21st century.î

ëPolishí Not Change for Santa Fe Opera

Incoming general director of Santa Fe Opera, Charles MacKay, has made clear he is ìin the tradition — I will not be an agent for radical change,î at the celebrated New Mexico summer opera festival, MacKay says.

Tom Moore Interviews Frederick Carrilho

Composer Frederick Carrilho was born in 1971 in the state of Sao Paulo, and has studied guitar and composition, most recently at UNICAMP in Campinas. His music has been heard at the recent biennial festivals of contemporary music in Rio, with the Profus„o V ñ Toccata making a strong impression at the Bienal of 2007. We spoke in Portuguese.

Tom Moore Interviews Marisa Rezende

October 23, 2007, Sala Cecilia Meireles, Rio de Janeiro

Guanajuato Opera a document of Mexican history

What makes the first visit to Guanajuatoís Teatro Ju·rez breathtaking is the suddenness of the encounter.