Grant Park Music Festival: ì20th-Century Masters.î

The concert ì20th-Century Masters,î presented by the Grant Park Music Festival, Chicago on 27 and 28 June 2008 featured several pieces performed for the first time under the auspices of the Festival.

San Francisco Opera summer season, 2008

David Gockley heard the cries of many an opera fan that Pamela Rosenberg had denied them their ‘stars,’ so for his summer season, 2008, he brought them Natalie Dessay, Susan Graham, Ruth Ann Swenson, and Stefan Margita.

Unusual Fare at Opera Festival of St. Louis

My visit to two rarely mounted pieces at the Opera Festival of St. Louis brought to mind the little girl with the curl, for when it was good, it was very very good and when it was bad, it was, um. . .er. . .

Don Carlo at Royal Opera House

In the latter part of last year, the casting for Nicholas Hytnerís new production of Don Carlo ó in the five-act Italian version ó looked to be on shaky ground.

Don Giovanni. No, the other one

No one has ever called Gazzanigaís Don Giovanni an overlooked masterpiece.

A rare treasure in Saint Louis. . .

Pink flamingos, sheep on wheels, and a queen crowned with giant antlers all inhabit the zany world of Opera Theatre of Saint Louisís Una cosa rara, where the artificial 18th century pastoral commingles with cutesy country colors and 1950s yard art.

Pl·cido Domingoís miraculous autumn

On the barren stage: a few chairs, a dark-gold hectoplasm projected on the wood panels of the acoustic chamber – nothing more.

See Venice and then die

For the belated Spanish premiere of Brittenís Death in Venice, 35 years after its creation in Aldeburgh, Barcelona seems a felicitous choice.

Star Power in Paris “Capuleti”

For Belliniís ìI Capuleti e i Montecchi,î Paris Opera peopled its revival with plenty of star power.

Opera with a human heart

When the Ringling Brothers folded their tents, opera took over. AÔda with elephants, and Walk¸re with real horses.