Itís clear today that Chinaís Cultural Revolution has led to a cultural revolution that ó in music at least ó has made the countryís artists frontrunners on the international scene.
Category: Performances
JAN¡?EK: Jen?fa
In an evening brimming with sublime performances, Anja Siljja took grasp of her dramatic prowess and left us breathless, yearning for more. At the most sacred opera house in Italy, and perhaps the world, Jan·?ekís opera was thrillingly presented and is an example of our beloved genre at its finest.
Unsuk Chin’s “Alice in Wonderland”
“Who in the world am I?” proclaimed the posters all over Munich, reducing Lewis Carroll’s famous conundrum to a sound-bite.
Katharina Wagner’s Debut at Bayreuth
If you are in need of a Romantic, Alt-Nuernberg, Beloved-Old-Vaterland-As-It-(Never)-Was sort of production of “Die Meistersinger,” you would probably do well to wait for the Met revival, and stay far far away (actually, add another “far” to that) from the Bayreuth Festpiel’s latest “Skandal”-ripe interpretation.
Ohio Light Opera Festival
For twenty-eight years now the Ohio Light Opera Festival (OLO) has held forth in Wooster in the summertime, presenting no less than 99 different works (their big 100th comes next year), familiar and forgotten, by the likes of Gilbert and Sullivan, Rodgers and Hammerstein, Offenbach, Sigmund Romberg, Carl Zeller and Emmerich K·lm·n — to refer only to the authors of the seven undertaken this year.
A Cloudy Mirror
ìTea: Mirror of the Soulî with book by Xu Ying and music by Tan Dun, revised from an earlier version first produced in Japan in 2002, was to have been the novelty of the present Santa Fe Opera season. Instead, it was dead on arrival.
Haydnís LíAnima del Filosofo (Orfeo ed Eurydice) ó A rare performance at Glimmerglass this summer, as part of their ìOrpheusî 2007 Festival Season
On a cold winterís day in Vienna, just before Christmas 1790, Mr. Haydn dined with Mr. Mozart for the last time.
Michael Maniaci Flies High as OrphÈe at Glimmerglass
The legend of Orpheus and Eurydice has come down through the centuries to us, on the way inspiring some sixty-four other known operas.
Monteverdiís ìLíOrfeoî, Glimmerglass 2007 ó Slattery rises to Aldenís challenging concept
The first masterpiece in the history of opera. Thatís a tall order to live up to for any company and for any band of singers, especially those at the beginning of their careers.
Glimmerglass Opera 2007 ó An Overview
Glimmerglass Opera is in a watershed year. With the departure of Paul Kellogg, who had considerable success developing that annual festival, General and Artistic Director Michael Macleod has chosen to begin his tenure with a variation on the usual four-opera-season, namely a thematic collection
of pieces based on the “Orpheus” legend. “Don’t look
back” is the marketing catch phrase.